Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Worst Commercial On TV... Ever?

Forgive me if I'm late seeing this one, but saw it for the first time this morning and... uhhhhh. Speechless.

Oh, where to begin? The guy pumping his fist early on? The seriousness of the verse? And of course, the big finale. They did it with lighters. Nowadays mo-rons use cell phones. Why not a glass of water with an alka-seltzer in it? I get it. It's funny. Ha ha. Just awful.

Then again, I just posted it on my blog... so what's that say about the effectiveness of the commercial? A marketer will tell you a bad response is better than no response. The suits win again!


Anonymous said...

The only commercial more annoying that that one is eHarmony... I'd rather watch an hour of car commercials or a Critters Buggin' set or this Quizno's commercial

soundbetter said...

"This could be... everlasting love." Must say, what a great choice of songs to steal. (Though paid for so not technically stealing.) How bout Burger King's use of the Femmes? Oooooh that one stings every time I hear it, which is every time I have the tv on longer than 10 minutes. Nothing's sacred. You know, they just did a reunion tour in the last year or two... that was the first sign of being hard-up for some cash. They probably made more from the commercial than they did on that entire sold-out run.

Anonymous said...

1-800-588-2300 Empire Today!

That's what I'm talking about good old fashioned jingles, not let's play Zeppelin to this Cadillac commerical or "I'll stop the world and melt with you" for a Burger King commerical....actually that's not half bad, but for real CREATIVITY.

*Mattress Discounters and Jerry's jingles also are great

Anonymous said...


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